Friday, October 11, 2013

Let Us Trash Those Bad Ads

Hello fellow ad followers:
I am sorry I have not posted any new blogs on ads that need to be trashed.

You see a few months ago, I cancelled cable and have no access to television anymore. This really is a blessing in disguise.

Firstly I now have more time to write, read and lead a normal creative  and more fulfilling life.
Secondly, I am not subject to the constant bombardment of the media telling me what I need to have i.e.  products to extend my lashes without clumps, kissable lipstick which lasts hours, cars which are almost human,the latest electronic gismo or that particular aftershave or perfume which will make people take their clothes offfor me.
I can decide what I want, when I want and use my own intellect and financial status to determine my real needs to decide what I am going to purchase, rather than being a follower and a puppet on a string controlled by the mass media and their 'trends'.

Thirdly, by watching less TV, I have actually re-discovered who I really am without being told who I should be.
Although there are many who prefer to be led, I think we can and should dance to our own tunes. Ask yourself where you belong.

If you come across ads that you think violate basic human values, are offensive or just plain stupid, feel free to drop me a line and I will look them up so that together, we can ’trash that ad’ to make our world a better saner place.
Eat well, drink well, think good positive thoughts¸ speak good words, and do good things,
Love always,

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